Web3 Ninja
From Cabo Verde
PrimeXBT - What Are Cryptocurrencies
- Video / Crypto -

CEEK VR - Smart TV
- Design / Web -

Stephen Marley: Bob Marley Tribute Concert
- Design / Web -

Ziggy Marley: Bob Marley Celebration
- Design / Web -

Dwyane Wade & Rick Ross
- Design / Web -

Dwyane Wade - Celebrity Sports Academy
- Design / Web -

The Laugh Experience: DL Hugley & George Lopez
- Design / Web -

Quavo - Bubblegum
- Design / Web -

CEEK 4D Headphones
- Design / Web -

CEEK VR - Instagram
- Design / Web -

CEEK VR - Website
- Design / Web -

- Design / Web -

Kuart K x GG x TercerVoz - Fê N'Nha Hustle (feat. Débora Paris)
- Video / Videoclips -

Allkimista - Sopa d'Letra
- Video / Videoclips -

- Design / Web -

Artist Group New York
- Design / Web -

Tavern On the Square
- Design / Web -

- Design / Web -

Perfection Pet Foods
- Design / Web -

- Design / Web -

Dubai Development Properties
- Design / Web -

Wild Factions
- Design / Games -

V11 Studio Game
- Design / Games -

GG - Sem Xfrizz (feat. Tiago Silva & Dainira Veríssimo)
- Video / Videoclips -

Triple Threat / FW16: KIMONO Photoshoot
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

Triple Threat / FW16: KRIOLA Photoshoot
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

Dolly Castro: Luanda
- Photography / Fashion -

Nelisa Fortes: Bodyboard
- Photography / Fashion -

Mancha Ibrahimovic: Boxe
- Photography / Fashion -

Simone Pereira:
- Photography / Fashion -

Yuris Torres:
Bar Bar
- Photography / Fashion -

Simone Pereira:
Red Dress
- Photography / Fashion -

Mancha Ibrahimovic: Crossfit
- Photography / Fashion -

Nelisa Fortes: Oficina
- Photography / Fashion -

Triple Threat / SS16: Photoshoot II
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

Triple Threat / SS16: Photoshoot I
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

- Video / Videoclips -

SS16 / Mendinga Photoshoot
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

SS15 / SEASON 3: Photoshoot II
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

SS15 / SEASON 3: Photoshoot I
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

- Video / Videoclips -

SS15 / SEASON 3: Saidy
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

Steven Monteiro: Ninja Mask
- Photography / Fashion -

Saidy: Bikini
- Photography / Fashion -

Carnaval 2015: Mindelo
- Photography / Soncent - Li Ke Terra -

Carnaval 2015: Mendinga
- Photography / Soncent - Li Ke Terra -

Carnaval 2015: Kids
- Photography / Soncent - Li Ke Terra -

SS14 / Santo Antão Photoshoot
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

CSR Classics
- Design / Games -

CSR Racing
- Design / Games -

Didi Barbershop
- Design / Print -

SS14 / Collection Photoshoot
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

SS13 / Praia Grande Photoshoot
- Photography / eXOTRik Clothing -

Rivaldino dos Santos
- Photography / Fashion -

Darkroom I
- Photography / Experiments -

- Photography / Soncent - Li Ke Terra -

Nôs Terra
- Photography / Soncent - Li Ke Terra -

Nôs Povo
- Photography / Soncent - Li Ke Terra -

Weedy Drake - Boo-Nita (feat. G1 & Fabz)
- Video / Videoclips -

Batchart - Figa Kanhota (feat. Krump Virus)
- Video / Videoclips -

Krump Virus - Tchma Bo Nome
- Video / eXOTRik Clothing -

Krump Virus - Estil Livr 2 [PEZZOD] (feat. Gugu Boy)
- Video / eXOTRik Clothing -
![Krump Virus - Estil Livr 2 [PEZZOD] (feat. Gugu Boy) Live @ Bem-Vindos, RTP África](/images/loading.gif)
eXOTRik Clothing & In The Air | Interview
- Video / eXOTRik Clothing -

Krump Virus - Estil Livr 1 (feat. Gugu Boy)
- Video / eXOTRik Clothing -

Hello Lisbon
- Photography / Travel -

EuroBattle Qualifier 2013
- Video / Dance -

My Own Style Jam
- Video / Dance -

Esse é ke KUL!
- Video / Cabo Verde -

"Sinto Saudades"
- Video / Dance -

Edgar - House Dance
- Video / Dance -

ANDY, EDGAR, LIL VANIL | Filtros de House
- Video / Dance -

Travis/Nozk vs CJ/Mekye
- Video / Dance -

Demo de Speaker: Dougie Bmyst | KRUMP
- Video / Dance -

EuroBattle Qualifier 2012
- Video / Dance -

Lisboa Dança
- Video / Dance -

"Não ponha a sua casa em jogo"
- Design / Web -

Optimus - Duetos Improváveis: Mixtape
- Design / Web -

ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal
- Design / Web -

Galp On - 5%+5%
- Design / Web -

- Design / Web -

BES imóveis
- Design / Web -

- Design / Web -

- Design / Web -

Vodafone Portugal
- Design / Web -

TMN Banda Larga 4G
- Design / Web -

MEO Fibra
- Design / Web -

Peugeot 508 -
Test Drive
- Design / Web -

Snickers Portugal
"Tu Não És Grande Estudante Quando Tens Fome"
- Design / Web -

7 Maravilhas de Cabo Verde
- Design / Print -

El3cDanToys Crew
- Design / Print -

Team Diabolick
- Design / Print -

- Design / Print -

MTV 1UP Stopmotion
- Design / Print -